Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

Money Doesn't Buy Happiness

It’s a cliche, but sometimes it can be pretty true. I know I come from a place of privilege: middle class, good income, and roof over my head. However, at a certain point of the hierarchy of needs, chasing money doesn’t bring you any additional happiness. It’s just a number.

Last week I got paid $500 to do a job on the side over the next month. 5 months ago, I would have thought that I’d be pumped, so excited. However, today, I feel nothing. I got no dopamine when that payment hit.

You might tell yourself that it’s different for you, and it could be. But don’t sell your life for it. More money is great, but make sure it’s something that you’re really willing to sacrifice your free time for. Definitely get out there and give it a try if you think you’re different, but be warned.

Be careful when deciding between money and passion. Don’t neglect your passion and dreams.