31 Days of Writing (& Publishing)

31 Days of Writing (& Publishing)

The fad on twitter nowadays is to #Ship30for30. I’ve read a little bit about it, but was late to the March cohort signup, so I’m going on my own. (Besides, you have to choose a single topic for the whole 30 days, and I just want to fly free with any idea that comes my way.)

Welcome to my 31 day writing and publishing challenge. For every day in March, I will publish one blog post, and do some sort of writing that day. If I feel like writing three posts & lining them up to be published, that’s totally okay, as long as I still write something on those days.

Inspiration & Motivation

I’d like to document my inspiration and motivation for doing this writing challenge, for something I can come back to on day 13 when I don’t feel like writing.

My main motivation is to become a better writer and start building my personal brand/online presence. Building this has been an idea that I’ve been toying with for some time now. As the Newsies would say, “now is the time to seize the day.”

For becoming a better writer, I expect that by publishing content of 31 days and releasing a large quantity of posts will be the first steps towards becoming a better writer. There’s something about sitting down every morning and writing a blog post that’s exciting to me. I enjoy the speed of which you can share your ideas with the world. Compare this to Youtube, where there’s a certain level of quality & editing you have to achieve before you can send your ideas into the world.

The personal brand side of the equation has been on my mind for years now. I’ve always procrastinated going all in on it since it wasn’t a quick way to make money, but now I realize that it’s not something that I want to go all in on. Rather, it’s something that I do alongside my other business ideas.

What to expect

Over the next 30 days you’ll see a variety of posts from me varying in both length and topic. You may see posts about Notion, business, my own failures & wins, business ideas, productivity, neuroscience, goals, life, etc. Anything on my mind is fair game.

I hope you enjoy what’s up and coming! I’m not sure what to expect with this, but I appreciate you giving this a read. See you tomorrow!